Dewan Auditorium JOTIC Stage Curtain
Wisma JOTIC is a Johor Tourism Information Centre building located in Jalan Air Molek Johor Bharu a place where tourist can find more about Johor tourism. Under the same building you will also find a food court, handicraft and souvenir shops, an Internet cafe, and auditorium at level 5.
Artistic Controls has been engaged by the main contractor Jaya Dingin to upgrade the aged curtain system at the Auditorium. The auditorium also undergone a major renovation and upgrading work to replace the acoustic panel, stage lighting, sound reinforcement system and projection system.
Stage Curtain
Artistic Controls supplied and installed the Front of House and Top Masking drapes include upgrade new motorised stage curtain track to the Auditorium.

The stage curtain is by J&C Joel Velvet Lyric Plum color for the front center parting curtain and top masking. With the dimension of the proscenium at 12.0m wide with a drop of 4.5m the curtain was manufactured in the J&C Joel Vietnam Office and can be delivered to the site in a shorted time.
The fabric which is from J&C Joel’s West End Collection is the 400g/m2 velvet manufactured from a newly developed Polyester with natural IFR Inherent Flame Retardant properties, which means that the IFR properties of the drapes will not be affected by the high humidity of Malaysia’s climate.
The top masking border and two single masking legs also from the same fabric range.
All the drapes were sewn with 50% fullness, a standard chain-weight (Jack Chain) in the base to add weight and ensure that they hung as straight as possible and small tab hooks at the header to allow them to be easily attached to the curtain track.
Motorised Curtain Track

The curtain track is heavy duty track custom made with MS track. The track with overlap includes all the components required to install proper track length. A typical curtain track will comprise of track, end stops, runners, adjustable support brackets, master runners, pulleys, return pulleys, line supports and driver set.
The driver of the system is via 1.5hp motor with drum set install at the left side of the track which is nearer to the electric supply. The overlap track has the steel cable running to the return pulley back to the drum.
A new control panel is located at the back of the stage.
Contact Us for Stage Curtain for your Auditorium.