Zero 88 Jester ML48 in Taman Budaya Kuantan

Recently Taman Budaya Kuantan in Pahang has upgraded their Lighting Control Desk to the new Zero 88 Jester ML48 a 48 channel desk Lighting Desk with ability to control moving heads. This was to replace the old Strand desk.
Taman Budaya Kuantan is located in front of JKKN building which is on the way to Teluk Chempedak, and once you pass the main traffic lights junction, just follow the signboard to Seri Malaysia Hotel on the left side of the road just before the Vistana Hotel.
Besides the open stage or platform located in front of the JKKN building, there is also an Auditorium inside the building, where the arts, theatres and cultural performances are held.

In the Auditorium where the mixtures conventional theatre Lightings and Effect Lightings like DMX controlled LED color Par and Moving Head use in any production require an integrated control desk to control both the conventional lighting and effect lighting. Normally you will find this in a larger desk like in big auditorium or theater. The choice of Zero 88 Jester ML48 control desk was made because of ease to program of the moving head for the effect while storing the scene in sub master or memory.
The Jester ML48 offer users a cost effective solution for control of up to 30 moving lights. The consoles have effects engines, the ability to store palettes or preset focuses and use the comprehensive Zero 88 fixture library.
The JesterML48 desk also offers direct control of 48 dimmer channels. Playback is either via the submasters or through a traditional theatrical cue stack.

A full day Zero 88 Jester ML48 training was conducted on 26/4/2010 to the lighting operator. With the two dedicated lighting operator Mohd Shaiful and Ahmad Shah their learning of the desk was easily pick up and by the end of the training they can program the desk for the next coming shows.
For more of Taman Budaya Kuantan